
Composite redistribution, and flux define the survivability and newness of any group, species or order. So it is with literature. Enter the newest category in literary arts >>> HYBRID

Blending two or more themes, formats or genres is known as ‘Hybrid’ or ‘Cross-genre’ or ‘Multi-genre’. The term holds true for mixing fiction wih nonfiction, noir with essay, crime with horror, fantasy with romance, poetry with visual arts, audio-engineering with poetry, and any and everything.

Hybridization is essential to variety, randomization and innovation. In writing, it’s rewarding to fuse disparate forms, and even re-jigging tools and tropes: for example, supernatural beings in politico-social related fiction, magic in regular love story, element of horror in (recorded) historical essay, both prose and poetry in a visual image, and tech-wizardry in creative prose. How about, maybe, within the limits of the flash fiction you’re drafting, blurring the boundaries of autofiction and thriller, experimenting with narrative voice, tinkering with approach or plot lines or dialogues to tell a completely different version of the story? Bottomline is to share an essentially unique experience. If it doggedly refuses compartmentalization, so be it! Because, what gets created thus, is definitely a hybrid.

Where did it originate? Hybridization is essential to natural creation. What nature creates today, thinkers and artists replicate tomorrow. Defying rules, ignoring conventions, and nullifying predictions of final product, results in newness that is challenging but highly satisfying. It is also perhaps a form of creative decentralization, where set principles, and acquired knowledge, get willfully thwacked, to allow for regeneration, and renewed interest.

How to prevent ‘Hybrids’ from becoming a mess? Firstly, clarity. Become the reader. Expect to write what you want to read. Something you haven’t read before! Secondly, in genre mashing, keep it personal and unique. Rely on one central theme/form/genre and then branch out. Thirdly, recognize your writing skills, strengths and weaknesses. Avoid attempting unifying those genres where you may not be equipped to do enough. Fourthly, watch out for flows and linearity, along with with efficacy and messaging. Crowding too many forms or themes may turn out to be confusing. Finally, do not hesitate to try out new things, but, start small.

In this blogpost, I’ll highlight a few hybrid works published in recent times that are remarkable for their innovation, and may just lead you to new ideas you may want to experiment with. I’ll also be pointing you to publications that are highly encouraging of hybrid submissions.

Further tips to Hybrids:

Definitely try out Hybrids when “stuck” in your process, unable to advance or in doubt

Don’t be too self conscious, just be out-of-the-box

Use hints to tell the reader the kind of mix you’re attempting, and steer clear of genre-defining stereotypes

Be confident of what you’re attempting: readers love a writer when they know where to lead them

Avoid thinking about the ultimate end result, and avoid cliches

Finally, there’s zero room for plagiarism. Maintain originality at all costs.

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